Monday, January 19, 2009


I teacupful basmati rice
I teacupful sugar
2 teacupful hot water
I tablespoonful set butter-fat
2 tablespoonfuls sultanas
2 tablespoonfuls finely sliced mixed nuts
I teaspoonful cardamom seeds or nutmeg

FOR 4 PEOPLE. Sort, wash and soak the rice for at least 10 minutes. Mix
sugar and water together, and keep this thin syrup in a jug. Heat the
butter-fat in a heavy aluminium saucepan, and fry the well-drained rice in
it very gently for a few minutes. Warm the syrup, and add this and the
well-washed sultanas, together with the peeled and sliced nuts and the
cardamom seeds (whole) or the grated nutmeg. Bring to the boil, then turn
heat very low. At this stage it is better to put the saucepan (covered) in
the oven for I hour IS minutes, on Regula 4. When ready, the rice should be
well cooked, but not broken or sticking together.

As its quality often varies, some rice may take a little. less water in the
syrup, and the cooking time may also be slightly varied. Many people mix a
teaspoonful of diluted saffron while the rice is cooking, to colour it and
give it fragrance.

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