Monday, January 19, 2009


2 ½ pints of milk (preferably fullcream)
½ teacupful (2 ½ oz.) rice
I teacupful (7 oz.) Sugar
2 dozen almonds
I tablespoonful sultanas.
I teaspoonful crushed cardamom seeds or grated nutmeg
I tablespoonfuls rosewater

FOR 5 OR 6 PEOPLE. Pour the milk into a large, thick aluminum saucepan, and
bring to the boil. Then add the well-washed rice, mix with a large spoon,
and keep boiling on medium heat _ an hour, stirring frequently and scraping
from sides and bottom to prevent sticking. Then add sugar, well-washed
sultanas, blanched and thinly-sliced almonds, and the crushed cardamom seeds
or grated nutmeg. At this stage, the kheer may be put in a moderate oven for
about 30 minutes to become brown on the top; but in Mauritius, after adding the
sugar, sultanas, etc., we keep boiling gently until the right consistency is
obtained. This does not take more than 15 minutes. Then the kheer is
transferred into a dish, and when slightly cold add the rosewater and mix!

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